niskobudžetni kafić
low bugdet caffe bar
lokacija location > Radnička cesta 34a . Zagreb . HR
autori authors > Vedran Jukić . Nikica Kronja
projekt design > 2011.
izvedba realization > 2011.
klijent client > Madronis
površina gross floor area > 85 m2
(izvedba i opremanje) budget (constructing and furnishing) > 20 000 €
fotografije photographs > Vedran Jukić
posebno priznanje na 47. zagrebačkom salonu - arhitektura i urbanizam
honourable mention at 47. zagreb salon - architecture and urban planning
Green bar se smješta u postojeći poslovni prostor u prizemlju novosagrađene zgrade. Potpuno je ostakljen sa tri strane. S obzirom na lokaciju i profil korisnika koji se očekivao, bitno je bilo novom prostoru dati karakter relaksirajućeg ambienta za pretežno poslovne ljude koji ovdje provode dnevni odmor ili održavaju poslovne sastanke. Prostor je organiziran u dvije osnovne cjeline – konzumni prostor sa šankom, te servisni box koji sadrži spremište i sanitarije za goste i zaposlenike. Osnovna koncepcija oblikovanja proizašla je iz odnosa prema kvalitetnom zelenom ambijentu prema kojemu je bar orjentiran. Niski budžet zahtjevao je specifičan pristup projektiranju. Birani su jeftini materijali koji su kvalitetnom izvedbom, obradom i dizajnom dobili na reprezentativnosti. Tehnologija obrade OSB ploča ispitivala se kroz niz uzoraka - ploče su brušene, bajcane i lakirane, a na horizontalnim plohama i kitane. Postojeći kasetirani uredski strop sakriven je sa 1800 visećih platnenih trokuta različitih zelenih boja i dužina koji daju dojam svoda od lišća drveća u šumi i istovremeno omogućavaju potpunu funkcionalnost stropnih instalacija – klimatizacije, ventilacije i rasvjete uz low-budget parametre. Montaža novih stropnih elemenata (pocinčana mreža za ograde i platneni trokuti) osmišljena je kako bi se u potpunosti koristila podkonstrukcija postojećeg stropa, a detalji vješanja riješeni su na način da ih vlasnik sam može izvesti na jednostavan način.
Green Bar is placed in Radnička Street, Zagreb, on
the ground floor of the existing office space of a newly built building. It is
completely glazed at three sides. Given the location and the user’s profile
which was anticipated, it was very important to give the new space the
character of relaxing ambience for predominantly business people who spend here
their day breaks or organize business meetings. The space is organized in two
basic parts: the consumption area with the bar, and the service box containing
toilet facilities for guests and employees, and the storeroom. Basic concept
was derived from the relation to the high quality green area to which the bar
is oriented. Low budget demanded specific approach in designing. Cheap
materials and equipment were chosen, which reached high representativeness by
means of quality design, construction and treatment. OSB panels were used to
coat the walls and the bar. Panel processing technology was tested through a
series of samples - the panels were grinded, stained and varnished, as well as
putty coated on horizontal surfaces. The existing coffered office ceiling is
hidden by means of 1800 hanging cloth triangles in different green colours and
lengths, which give impression of the canopy of tree leaves in the wood,
allowing at the same time full functionality of the ceiling installations –
air-conditioning, ventilation and lighting at low budget parameters. Details of
galvanized mesh and cloth pieces assembly were designed in such a way that the
supporting structure of the existing ceiling can be used. The owner himself can
set them in a simple way.